Attribute |
Description (where applicable) |
Cash Flow Date | Represents the date for when the cash flow occurs |
Current Month Flag | Represents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents the current month. Else the value is 0. |
Current Year Flag | Represents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents the current year. Else the value is 0. |
Date | Represents the date as YYYY-MM-DD |
ID | Represents the date as YYYY-MM-DD |
ISO Week | |
Last 12 Months Flag | Represents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents previous 12 months. Else the value is 0. |
Last 24 Months Flag | Represents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents previous 24 months. Else the value is 0. |
Month | Represents the date as month with three capital letters (JAN, FEB, MAR, …) |
Month No | Represents the date as month as number (1, 2, 3, …) |
Month String | Represents the date as month name (January, February, March, …) |
Previous Month Flag | Represents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents the previous month. Else the value is 0. |
Previous Year Flag | Represents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents the previous year. Else the value is 0. |
Quarter | Build as "Q" + "Quarter No" (Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4) |
Quarter No | Quarter as number (1, 2, 3 or 4) |
Reporting Day of Month | |
Week | Build as "W" + "ISO WEEK" (W1, W2, W3, …) |
Weekday No | Represents the weekday number |
Weekday String | Represents the name of the day (in the week) |
Year | Represents the year using four digits |
Year (Week based) | |
YearMonth | Represents the year and month using six digits |
Hierarchy |
Level |
YearQuarterMonthDateNo | |
| Year |
| Quarter No |
| Month No |
| Date |
YearQuarterMonthWeekDateString | |
| Year |
| Quarter |
| Month |
| Week |
| Date |
Data source Information
The data source for this object is defined using IFS Developer Tool. The data
source contains a number of transformations where the model reads data from the
last step, i.e. the Data source view name (DW Source View Name).
Model Table |
DW Source view (SQL Server) |
BI Access View |
Referenced Information Source |
Recommended Access Type |